Laser paint removal effectively removes aviation aluminum paint layer

Source:Shengtong intelligent laser    Author:Laser Moline    Time:2023-06-14 08:56:57    Hits:1764

Aviation aluminum profiles generally refer to 7-series aluminum alloy profiles, while ordinary aluminum profiles are used in our daily production and life. Generally, 6-series aluminum alloy profiles, such as architectural aluminum profiles, industrial aluminum profiles, etc. are ordinary 6-series aluminum alloy profiles. 7-series aluminum alloys have the highest hardness value among all aluminum alloys, so they are suitable for the aerospace field, so the cleaning requirements for aviation aluminum profiles are very high. The hardness of 6-series aluminum alloys is medium, which can basically meet the needs of production and life.

The difference between aviation aluminum profiles and ordinary aluminum profiles:

1. The most significant difference is the mechanical properties.

2. The cost varies.

3. Aviation aluminum profiles cannot be welded and can only be joined by other methods.

4. Corrosion resistance, 7-series aluminum alloy has very poor corrosion resistance, so the surface must be treated by a special process, which increases the cost.


The traditional cleaning methods are mostly chemical oxidation or anodizing treatment, anodizing treatment after shot peening, etc. Different methods are used to clean aluminum materials in different parts, and there are many construction restrictions, such as how to deal with the first layer and how to deal with the second layer. There are many steps, the operating temperature also has certain requirements, and it takes a long time. There are also many auxiliary materials commonly used in the construction process.

Shengtong Intelligent Laser Equipment Group uses laser paint removal equipment to remove paint from aviation aluminum, with significant paint removal effect and no waste generated, resulting in high efficiency.

Laser paint removal technology can be said to be a life of paint removal technology in industrial products, and it has advantages unmatched by traditional physical paint removal technology.

1. No chemical solution is required, so there is no environmental pollution caused by chemical solutions.

2. The waste that is removed is basically solid powder, small in size, and basically does not cause pollution to the environment.

3. Laser paint removal is non-contact, transmitted through optical fibers, and combined with robots or manipulators to easily achieve long-distance operation.

4. Laser paint removal can remove different types and thicknesses of paint from the surface of various materials, achieving high cleanliness.

5. Laser paint removal can selectively remove dirt from the surface of the material without damaging the internal composition and structure of the material.

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