Laser cleaning gradually replaces high-pressure water gun cleaning

Source:Shengtong intelligent laser    Author:Laser Xu Yi    Time:2023-06-12 09:09:53    Hits:1704

If the metal is left for a long time, it will inevitably produce rust. Rust is a chemical reaction, which is essentially an oxidation reaction of the metal. The most common rust phenomenon is that iron products are oxidized by long-term exposure to air and oxygen, or are eroded by oxygen in water to become oxides. Before the advent of laser cleaning, traditional rust removal methods were various, including chemical cleaning, sandblasting cleaning, dry ice cleaning, high-pressure water gun cleaning, and so on. Today we take a look at why laser cleaning can replace the high-pressure water gun cleaning method in the traditional cleaning method.

It can be cleaned with a high-pressure water gun, but if it is used for rust removal, the high-pressure water gun needs to be connected to a sandblasting accessory for cleaning. One end of the sandblasting is inserted into the sand, and the other end is connected to the handle of the water machine. This way, the force on the surface of the object will be greatly enhanced when the water carries the sand together, thus achieving the purpose of rust removal.

Using a high-pressure water gun with sandblasting accessories can remove rust, but pay attention to the problem of rust. After all, the materials that produce rust are all metals, and contact with water will inevitably produce rust. Preservatives, passivators, etc. can be added to the water, which can effectively prevent secondary rust after high-pressure water gun cleaning.

On the other hand, the operator also needs to take protective measures when operating, using a high-pressure water gun to clean, some water vapor will be generated during the process, and the sand inside will also splash, which will inevitably hurt the operator, so the operator needs to wear a mask and mask to ensure that the skin is not exposed to the air. The operation process is also more cumbersome, requiring a long pipe to connect to the water outlet, and the sand, waste, etc. after cleaning will also cause pollution to the environment.


Nowadays, due to the government's stricter environmental protection measures, many traditional cleaning processes have been gradually replaced, and laser rust removal has become a new cleaning process for enterprises.

The principle of laser rust removal is mainly through a specific wavelength of high-energy beam of light is corrosion layer, paint layer, pollution layer absorption, the formation of rapid expansion of plasma, while generating shock waves, shock waves make pollutants into fragments and be removed.

Laser cleaning has the technical advantages of intelligent and controllable cleaning process, accurate and consistent, no damage to the substrate, and convenient operation. It also has economic and social advantages such as green environmental protection, maintenance-free, low operating costs, improved working environment, and labor savings. It has advantages that other industries lack. Laser cleaning technology will inevitably become the development trend and first choice of industrial cleaning in the future!

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