What industries can laser rust removal equipment be used in?

Source:Shengtong intelligent laser    Author:Laser Mengzhou    Time:2023-06-09 15:01:00    Hits:1507

Laser rust removal equipment can remove rust from workpieces. Under normal circumstances, steel parts will become rusty due to long-term exposure and storage, which affects the appearance and performance. The use of high-energy lasers to ablate rust is quite efficient. Use high-power lasers to burn off rust, paint and other debris on the metal surface, and use the metal's reflection characteristics to ensure that the parts themselves are not damaged.

Laser rust removal refers to the use of high energy and high concentration of laser light to illuminate the workpiece to be processed, so that the substrate surface adhesives (dirt, oxide skin, rust spots, organic coatings, etc.) absorb laser energy, melt, vaporize and evaporate, instantly heat and expand and be driven off the substrate surface by steam, so as to achieve the purpose of purifying the substrate surface rust removal method.


Nowadays, more and more industries are applying laser rust removal equipment, so what industries do you know where laser rust removal equipment can be applied? Laser rust removal machines can be used in various fields, including shipyards, aerospace, machinery manufacturing, etc., to remove rust, paint, oil stains, and oxide layers and other contaminants, with high efficiency and no residue, environmental protection and no pollution.

The laser rust remover can not only be used to remove rust, but also to clean the paint layer, coating and oxide on the metal surface. The effect of the laser rust remover on cleaning the coating is very good. The comparison between cleaning and cleaning is still obvious. After cleaning the coating, it returns to the true color of the substrate, and the substrate is not damaged to the naked eye, but the laser rust remover can achieve micro-roughening, if there is a requirement in this regard.

The laser rust remover is used to clean the coating, saving time and effort, and it can be operated by a single person, so there is no need for a lot of labor. After laser scanning, the coating can be cleaned. If the thicker coating has the same power, it needs to be cleaned slightly slower. Therefore, the appropriate power can be selected according to the cleaning efficiency requirements, because the power is different, and the cleaning efficiency is different.

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